Tägliche Nachrichten

Statistics of the XX General Chapter, Kraków 2024

Statistics of the XX General Chapter, Kraków 2024


46 members = 19 ex-officio + 27 delegates

14 Administration Units

Austrian Pro-Province, Belgian Pro-Province, Brazilian Province, British Pro-Province, Colombian Province, Congo Mission Pro-Province, East Asian Mission Vicariate, German Province, Indian Mission Vicariate, Pancratius Pfeiffer Mission Vicariate, Polish Province, Tanzanian Mission Pro-Province, USA Province, Venezuela Vicariate.


Asia, Africa, America Sud and North, Australia, Europa

15 nationalities

Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, D.R. Congo, England, Germany, India, Mozambique, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Tanzania, USA, Venezuela

52 - the average age

The average age will be 52 year and 4 months.

29 - 82

The youngest member is 29 years old: Fr. Juan Esteban Ruiz Castaño

The oldest one 82: Fr. Scott Wallenfelsz


1 (up to 29)
6 (age: 30-39)
12 (age: 40-49)
15 (age: 50-59)
7 (age: 60-69)
4 (age: 70-79)
1 (over 80)


1 (6th chapter)
7 (4th chapter)
5 (3rd chapter)
11 (2nd chapter)
22 (will be for the first time)
 as formal members of the chapter

Seliger Franziskus Jordan


Gedanken des Gründers

Solange die Königin des Himmels und der Erde nicht überall gepriesen wird, darfst du keinen Augenblick ruhen.

Große Salvatorianer




Curia Generalizia

Via della Conciliazione, 51
I - 00193 ROMA, ITALIA
+39 06 686 291

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