TEJIENDO CON LA COMUNIDAD (Casa Hogar el Encuentro)
Founded in 2008, SOFIA is an integral part of the work of the General Secretariat for the Missions. SOFIA works alongside the Salvatorians in order to increase the impact and sustainability of projects in the fields of health, education, rural development and pastoral formation.
SOFIA makes use of its professional skill base (lay personnel) working in close collaboration with the Fathers & Brothers, and operates in two areas of activity:
- The definition, development and formulation of projects
- Participation in calls for funding from foundations and institutions
- Co-ordination of the projects and evaluation of the results in terms of their impact and sustainability over time
- Promotion of the work of the Salvatorians in the world to the general public
- Development of techniques for Salvatorian fundraising activities
- Formation of strong relationships of donors and private or corporate benefactors
SOFIA has funded and developed more than 350 Salvatorian projects benefitting hundreds of thousands of persons.
The network of SOFIA is expanding and currently consists of 3 divisions in Europe: SOFIA Global, Fondazione SOFIA, and Stiftung SOFIA Swiss. In the areas of the young missions of the Salvatorians, SOFIA offices are active: SOFIA Congo (DRCongo), SOFIA India and Tejiendo Redes (the SOFIA office for Venezuela).
SOFIA Global (in Rome) (www.sofiaglobal.org) is the office that deals with the development, coordination and evaluation of projects as well as international funding (from funding agencies and philanthropists).
Fondazione SOFIA Onlus (Rome) (www.fondazionesofia.org) and Stiftung SOFIA Swiss (Zug – CH) (www.sofiaswiss.ch) have been created for the promotional activities and fundraising in their respective countries.