
Meeting Australia Philippines

Meeting in Australia

Continuously all over the world, Salvatorians gather and are discerning the way how to serve the people, looking together in a creative way for means which can help and lead to salvation.

 This time, from November 28th until December 2nd, a meeting took place at the Salvatorian community house in Perth, in the Western part of Australia, with representatives of the Australian Region: Frs. Karol Kulczycki, Bronislaw Pietrusewicz, Krzysztof Gasperowicz, Adam Babinski, Stanislaw Bendkowski and Grzegorz Skulski; the Polish Province: Frs. Piotr Filas and Miroslaw Stanek; the East Asian Mission Vicariate: Frs. Adam Janus and Hubert Kranz; and as representative of the Generalate: Fr. Agustín Van Baelen.

The first day of introduction, was divided in two main parts. Firstly Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, SDB spoke to the present community about the importance of creating and cultivating a Salvatorian culture, which surpasses national and local cultural boarders. After his conference, he presided the opening Mass and put the meeting in its spiritual frame. Secondly, during the afternoon, Anne Cullender ICDS gave a speech about the history and the present situation of the Lay Salvatorians in this part of the world and their deep wish to grow locally as well as at the level of connection with the International Community of the Divine Saviour.

The three following days had similar schedules, where the topics “Salvatorian Vocation, Formation and Mission” were shared after respective introductions by Fr. Hubert, Fr. Piotr and Fr. Agustín.

The last day was spent on reviewing and putting together the different ideas and possibilities of the former days. It is amazing and hopeful to see on how many levels in fact good collaboration already exists. However, the results of this meeting will now be sent to the respective entities, in order to study which steps are possible and favorable for the process of further collaboration, where the scope always has to be the good of the Society!

Grateful for the experience of sharing and mainly for having been searching together as brothers for what God wants from us nowadays, the participants returned to their home units, diving into the many apostolic activities requested by their service in the Society. Ad maiorem Dei gloriam!


Bl. Francis Jordan


Founder's Thoughts

Woe to me, O Lord, if I do not make you known to men [and women]!

Great Salvatorians




Curia Generalizia

Via della Conciliazione, 51
I - 00193 ROMA, ITALIA
+39 06 686 291

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