The Theological Study Days running from March 12th to March 14th 2014 have the objective of making the theology of Joseph Ratzinger better known and even more fruitful for the Church in Africa. Indeed the Pope Emeritus was present at the seminars and Cardinal Polycarp Pengo also participated. These study days thus enabled access to Joseph Ratzinger’s thinking about Jesus most thoroughly presented in the trilogy 'Jesus of Nazareth' are at the center of Christian theology.
The Study Days consisted of ten lectures, presented from Monday, March 10th to Wednesday, March 12th. Three or four lectures each day presented central themes of the three Ratzijnger books. Each lecture lasted about 30 minutes, providing ample time for discussion. Also, the insights from the lectures were explored more intensely in study groups. Each participant was given a copy of the three volumes too to allow them to use them during the study days and then use them in their home environment, whether that be in pastoral ministry, theological seminary or religious orders.