Un po' di storia

1933 - VI General Chapter, 1933-09-18  —  1933-10-02, Roma

1933 - VI General Chapter, 1933-09-18  —  1933-10-02, Roma

First row (left to right, seated):
[4] Most Rev. Fr. Pancratius Pfeiffer

1921 - IV General Chapter, 1921-09-12 - 1921-09-30, 1921, Rome

First row (left to right, seated): [4] Most Rev. Fr. Pancratius Pfeiffer...

1908 - II General Chapter, 1908-10-09  —  1908-10-29, Rome

First row (left to right, seated): [4] Beatus Franciscus M. a Cruce Jordan,

1902 - I General Chapter, 1902-10-05  —  1902-10-19, Rome

First row (left to right, seated): [4] Beatus Franciscus a Cruce Jordan, 

Some statistics of the last general chapter in 2018

The delegates of the XIX General Chapter that took place in St. Ottilien in Germany came from

16 administrative units
and of
17 countries.

Beato Francesco Jordan


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Grandi Salvatoriani


La Casa Madre


Curia Generalizia

Via della Conciliazione, 51
I - 00193 ROMA, ITALIA
+39 06 686 291

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