Sri Lanka Mission: Cannonical visitation

Sri Lanka Mission: Cannonical visitation

The canonical visitation of the Sri Lanka Mission took place from 27 July until 1 August by Fr. Milton Zonta and Fr. Sunil Thomas. This was the first canonical visitation after the Sri Lanka Mission was officially established on 11 October 2021. Prior to its establishment, the Sri Lanka mission was part of the Indian Mission Vicariate. 
During this visit, Fr. Milton Zonta blessed the cornerstone for the future philosophy study house.  Congratulations to our confreres for their dedication and commitment to this growing mission unit.

Bienheureux François Jordan


Réflexions du Fondateur

Tant qu’il y aura un seul homme sur la terre qui ne connaisse pas Dieu et qui ne l’aime par-dessus tout, tu ne peux te permettre un instant de repos.

Grands Salvatoriens


Maison mère


Curia Generalizia

Via della Conciliazione, 51
I - 00193 ROMA, ITALIA
+39 06 686 291


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