Father Benon Hojenski
Polish Province
Died: 25/ 11 / 2016 Oborniki Śląskie (Poland)
He was 73 years old and professed 55 years.
Raúl Gómez Ruiz SDS, General Secretary, Bogotà, 25 November 2016
Sono la risurrezione e la vita; chi vive e crede in me non morirà mai.
Giovanni 11:25
Ricordiamo il nostro confratello defunto in gratitudine e preghiera.
Father Benon Hojenski
Polish Province
Died: 25/ 11 / 2016 Oborniki Śląskie (Poland)
He was 73 years old and professed 55 years.
Raúl Gómez Ruiz SDS, General Secretary, Bogotà, 25 November 2016