RIP: 3/12/2019 - Graz
Fr. Rupert Aschenbrenner was born on 4 February 1940. He professed his first vows in the Society of the Divine Saviour through the Austrian Pro-Province at Passau in 1960. After having concluded his studies of Philosophy at the Gregorian University in Rome and Theology in Passau, he was ordained a priest on the Feast of St. Peter and Paul, 29 June 1966. The young Fr. Rupert worked as a chaplain and teacher in different pastoral fields. In the unit he served as the provincial superior and treasurer. Beyond the borders of his home unit, he served also as the superior of our Motherhouse. Before retiring, he returned to the pastoral field of parish work and chaplaincy. Fr. Rupert died after a long time of illness on 3 December 2019 in Graz where he was buried in the tomb of the Salvatorians.