Daily News

Harrow Wealdstone Community House 4-5 December 2023

Harrow Wealdstone Community House 4-5 December 2023

The Chapter began with concelebrated mass in the parish church at Wealdstone, presided over by Fr Richard.  After light refreshments, the meeting began in St Joseph’s Parish Hall.

After the roll call was taken, a welcome was extended to all those attending; Richard Mway, Michael Doherty, Paul Harris, Frank Waters, Thomas Malal (ex officio); George Malecki, Dieudonne Zeng, Henry Nevin, Floribert Mulikita, Fortunatus Banzi, Seamus ODuill (elected delegates).  Noel Keane attended as an observer.  The following were elected as Chapter Officers:-  Paul (vice president); Dieudonne and Fortunatus (scrutators); Frank (secretary).

On the Agenda, we had to deal with matters related to the General Chapter, the renovation of the Harrow Wealdstone Community (and the sale of St Joseph’s Presbytery), Finances, Safeguarding and Personnel.

Of interest for this brief summary, a discussion took place about the forthcoming XX General Chapter. Using the papers provided by Rome for this purpose, the question of identity was addressed. It was generally acknowledged that people know we are religious priests, and that our way of life is different from our secular colleagues; that we try to be open and humble in our approach to matters of faith.  Perhaps more could be done to promote Lay Salvatorians and devotion to Francis Jordan.  Promotion of the biannual magazine “The Apostle” brings news of the apostolate in the UK as well as helping with Mission projects.

After a consideration of these more “spiritual” content proposed in the Generalate papers, there was a review of certain other proposals “from the floor”, as it were.  These concerned more practical matters about SDS governance. A number of proposals were then put forward and voted on; each proposal was unanimously agreed.

After this discussion on the General Chapter, the election of a delegate to the General Chapter took place and Paul Harris was unanimously chosen. Thus, Richard Mway (Provincial and Ex-Officio) and Paul Harris will represent the British Pro-province at the next General Chapter.



Bl. Francis Jordan


Founder's Thoughts

Pray at all times in the deepest humility and with the greatest confidence. Let nothing keep you from it.

Great Salvatorians




Curia Generalizia

Via della Conciliazione, 51
I - 00193 ROMA, ITALIA
+39 06 686 291

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